Для кого и для чего...

Блог создан учителями английского языка Колчиной Мариной Евгеньевной и Голубевой Татьяной Борисовной для дистанционной поддержки процесса обучения учащихся и их родителей

воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.

Текст аудиоизложения

Two Wishes
A couple about sixty years old was walking along the beach. The wife saw an old, dirty bot­tle on the sand. The husband picked up the bot­tle and cleaned it with his hand. Suddenly a genie appeared. "Thank you for freeing me from the bottle," the genie said. "I want to give you a thank-you gift. You each have one wish. I will give you anything you want."
The wife said, "I want to take a trip around the world. Please send me and my husband on a cruise."
Poof! Suddenly the woman was holding two first-class tickets on the best ship in the world.
The husband looked at his wife and then whispered to the genie, "I want a wife who is thirty years younger than I am."
Poof! Suddenly the man was ninety years


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